The price for one day angling in the mountain lakes south of Tungnaá is
Isk 6.000.-. In
this area there are many great and magnificent lakes, for example
Frostastaðavatn, Ljótipollur, Löðmundarvatn
and Dómadalsvatn.
Here is information about how many trouts anglers catch in
these lakes.
of trouts.
The guardians at Landmannahellir sell anglers a fishing license,
and accommodation in huts is available or a camping site.
Anglers can also buy a license at Landmannalaugar, in the shop
of Fjallafang (open from 11.30-20.00 every day). It is not
necessary to order angling license beforehand.
It is important to make a fishing report and return it to the guardian at Landmannahellir or put it in a postbox at the crossroad to Ljotipollur.
Information about the lakes and photographs are accessible at
the website of
(The Fishing lakes).